Tag n tiktok mashup

A "Tag n TikTok Mashup" sounds like a fun challenge!

Here's a possible mashup:

Title: "Tag n TikTok Mashup"

Concept: Take a popular TikTok trend (e.g. Renegade dance, Floss, etc.) and combine it with a classic "Tag" game (e.g. "Never Have I Ever", "Truth or Dare", etc.).


TikTok Trend: Renegade dance

Tag Game: "Never Have I Ever"

Mashup: Create a video where you're dancing to the Renegade song, but every time the lyrics say "Never have I ever...", you have to do a specific task (e.g. touch your nose, hop on one foot, etc.). The twist? You have to do the task while still dancing!

Example Video:

(Opening shot of you dancing to the Renegade song)

You: "Never have I ever... touched my nose"

(You touch your nose while still dancing)

You: "Never have I ever... hopped on one foot"

(You hop on one foot while still dancing)

You: "Never have I ever... done the chicken dance"

(You do the chicken dance while still dancing)

Hashtags: #TagnTikTokMashup #RenegadeDance #NeverHaveIEver #TikTokChallenge

Challenge: Encourage your followers to create their own "Tag n TikTok Mashup" videos using a different TikTok trend and tag game. Use a branded hashtag and challenge your followers to get creative and show off their skills!

How's that? Would you like to add any other elements to the mashup?