Tag musical copyright society of nigeria mcsn

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Musical Copyright Society of Nigeria (MCSN)

Tag: @MCSNigeria

About: The Musical Copyright Society of Nigeria (MCSN) is a non-profit organization established in 1986 to protect the intellectual property rights of music creators and publishers in Nigeria. The society is responsible for collecting and distributing royalties to its members for the use of their musical works.

Mission: To promote and protect the intellectual property rights of music creators and publishers in Nigeria, and to ensure that they receive fair compensation for the use of their works.


  1. To protect the intellectual property rights of music creators and publishers in Nigeria.
  2. To collect and distribute royalties to its members for the use of their musical works.
  3. To promote the development of the music industry in Nigeria.
  4. To provide a platform for music creators and publishers to network and collaborate.


  1. Royalty collection and distribution: MCSN collects royalties on behalf of its members and distributes them to them.
  2. Copyright registration: MCSN provides a service for registering musical works with the Nigerian Copyright Commission.
  3. Music publishing: MCSN offers music publishing services to its members, including songwriting, composition, and arrangement.
  4. Music licensing: MCSN provides music licensing services to its members, including synchronization licenses, mechanical licenses, and public performance licenses.

Membership: MCSN has a membership of over 1,000 music creators and publishers in Nigeria, including songwriters, composers, music producers, and music publishers.

Contact: You can contact MCSN through their website or social media channels:

Website: www.mcsnigeria.org Email: [email protected] Phone: +234 1 270 1111 Address: 15, Oduduwa Crescent, GRA, Ikeja, Lagos, Nigeria.

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