Tag multiple exchange rates
Here are a few examples of how to tag multiple exchange rates:
Using a single tag
exchange_rate: 1 USD = 0.88 EUR
(for a single exchange rate between USD and EUR)exchange_rate: 1 USD = 119.23 JPY
(for a single exchange rate between USD and JPY)
Using multiple tags
exchange_rate: 1 USD = 0.88 EUR; 1 USD = 119.23 JPY
(for multiple exchange rates between USD and EUR and USD and JPY)exchange_rate: 1 EUR = 1.14 USD; 1 EUR = 1.32 CHF
(for multiple exchange rates between EUR and USD and EUR and CHF)
Using a table or list
exchange_rates: | Currency | Exchange Rate |
exchange_rates: | USD | 0.88 EUR | 119.23 JPY |
exchange_rates: | EUR | 1.14 USD | 1.32 CHF |
Using a JSON object
exchange_rates: {"USD": {"EUR": 0.88, "JPY": 119.23}, "EUR": {"USD": 1.14, "CHF": 1.32}}
Note that the format and syntax may vary depending on the specific use case and the platform or system being used.