Tag monopoly lagos set to make guinness book of records

What an exciting idea! To make the Guinness World Records, you'll need to plan and execute a unique and impressive attempt. Here's a potential concept for a Monopoly Lagos-themed record attempt:

Record Attempt: "Largest Monopoly Lagos Board Ever Created"

Objective: To create the largest Monopoly Lagos board ever made, surpassing the current record or setting a new one.


  1. Gather a team: Assemble a team of volunteers, including Monopoly enthusiasts, graphic designers, and event organizers.
  2. Design the board: Create a custom-designed Monopoly Lagos board that incorporates the city's iconic landmarks, streets, and neighborhoods. Ensure the board is visually appealing and easy to read.
  3. Choose a location: Select a large, open space in Lagos, such as a convention center, stadium, or outdoor area, to set up the board.
  4. Gather materials: Source large, durable materials (e.g., foam board, cardboard, or fabric) to create the board's surface. You may also need paint, markers, and other art supplies.
  5. Plan the layout: Designate areas for the board's sections, such as Chance, Community Chest, and the game's iconic properties (e.g., Park Lane, Mayfair).

Record Attempt:

  1. Assemble the team: Gather your team and have them work together to assemble the board. This may involve cutting, gluing, and painting the materials.
  2. Set up the board: Place the board in the chosen location, ensuring it's securely fastened and easily accessible.
  3. Verify the size: Measure the board to ensure it meets the Guinness World Records criteria for the largest Monopoly board ever created.
  4. Document the attempt: Have a team member or official witness document the attempt, including photos, videos, and witness statements.


  1. Submit the application: Send the documentation and evidence to Guinness World Records, following their guidelines and submission process.
  2. Wait for verification: Wait for Guinness World Records to review and verify your attempt. This may take several weeks or months.
  3. Celebrate the achievement: If your attempt is successful, celebrate your achievement and share the news with the public, media, and Monopoly enthusiasts!

Tips and Considerations:

By following these steps and tips, you can create an impressive and record-breaking Monopoly Lagos board that will make it into the Guinness World Records!