Tag monarchs tell fg
I think you meant to ask "Tag monarchs tell FG"!
If that's the case, I'll do my best to provide an answer.
Tag monarchs are a type of butterfly that belongs to the family Nymphalidae. They are known for their distinctive orange and black coloration, with a long, thin tail on their hindwings.
FG, in this context, likely stands for "Field Guide". A field guide is a book or digital resource that provides information and identification keys for various species of plants, animals, and insects, including butterflies like the monarch.
If you're looking for a field guide to help you identify monarch butterflies, there are many excellent resources available. Some popular options include:
- "Butterflies of North America" by James A. Scott
- "The Butterflies of North America" by Paul A. Opler and Harry L. Seabrooke
- "Monarch Butterflies: A Guide to Their Identification, Behavior, and Conservation" by Anurag Agrawal
These field guides provide detailed descriptions, photographs, and distribution information to help you identify and learn more about monarch butterflies.