Tag mobile phone subscribers

Here are some ways to tag mobile phone subscribers:

Demographic Tags

  1. Age: Young adults (18-24), Adults (25-34), Middle-aged (35-49), Seniors (50+)
  2. Gender: Male, Female
  3. Location: Urban, Rural, Suburban
  4. Income: Low-income, Middle-income, High-income
  5. Education: High school, College, Graduate degree

Behavioral Tags

  1. Usage patterns: Heavy users, Light users, Frequent callers, Texters
  2. App usage: Social media, Gaming, Music, Productivity
  3. Data consumption: High data users, Low data users
  4. Network usage: 2G, 3G, 4G, 5G
  5. Payment methods: Postpaid, Prepaid, Pay-as-you-go

Device Tags

  1. Device type: Smartphone, Feature phone, Tablet
  2. Operating system: Android, iOS, Windows
  3. Screen size: Small (3-4 inches), Medium (4-5 inches), Large (5-6 inches)
  4. Processor: Low-end, Mid-range, High-end
  5. Storage: Low storage, Medium storage, High storage

Plan Tags

  1. Plan type: Postpaid, Prepaid, Pay-as-you-go
  2. Data allowance: Low data, Medium data, High data
  3. Voice minutes: Low voice minutes, Medium voice minutes, High voice minutes
  4. Text messages: Low text messages, Medium text messages, High text messages
  5. International roaming: Yes, No

Loyalty Tags

  1. Loyalty program: Yes, No
  2. Loyalty tier: Basic, Premium, Elite
  3. Referral program: Yes, No
  4. Retention program: Yes, No
  5. Customer satisfaction: High, Medium, Low

Other Tags

  1. Business or personal use: Business, Personal
  2. Industry: Healthcare, Finance, Education, Entertainment
  3. Job title: Student, Professional, Entrepreneur
  4. Marital status: Single, Married, Divorced
  5. Family size: Small family, Medium family, Large family

These tags can help you segment your mobile phone subscribers and create targeted marketing campaigns, offers, and services that cater to their specific needs and preferences.