Tag mob

I'm assuming you're referring to the popular mobile game "Tag"!

Tag is a location-based augmented reality game where players take on the role of "it" and have to chase other players who are trying to avoid being tagged. The game uses GPS and camera technology to superimpose virtual objects and characters onto the real world.

Here are some key features of the game:

  1. Location-based gameplay: Players can play the game in their immediate surroundings, using their mobile device's GPS and camera to interact with virtual objects and characters.
  2. Augmented reality: The game uses AR technology to superimpose virtual objects and characters onto the real world, creating an immersive experience.
  3. Multiplayer: Players can play with friends or strangers, either in real-time or asynchronously.
  4. Chasing and evading: Players take turns being "it" and have to chase other players who are trying to avoid being tagged.
  5. Power-ups and items: Players can collect power-ups and items to help them in their gameplay, such as speed boosts or shields.

Tag is a fun and engaging game that encourages physical activity, social interaction, and creativity. It's available for both iOS and Android devices.