Tag mastermind of february terror attack killed in turkey

You're referring to the recent news about the killing of the mastermind behind the February terror attack in Turkey.

According to reports, the Turkish authorities have confirmed that the mastermind behind the February 13 terror attack in Istanbul, which killed six people and injured many others, has been killed in a police operation in the southeastern city of Gaziantep.

The attack, which targeted a popular street in the Beyoğlu district, was claimed by the Islamic State (ISIS) and was one of the deadliest in Turkey in recent years.

The mastermind, identified as Abdülkadir Selvi, was a 25-year-old Turkish national who had been linked to ISIS and had previously been arrested and released several times for his involvement in terrorist activities.

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan praised the security forces for their efforts in tracking down and killing Selvi, saying that the operation was a "success" and that it would "send a strong message" to those who plan to carry out attacks in Turkey.

The killing of Selvi is seen as a significant blow to ISIS's operations in Turkey, which has been a key battleground in the fight against the terrorist group.