Tag make up

Here are some fun tag games you can play with friends:

Classic Tag Games

  1. Freeze Tag: When someone is tagged, they must freeze in place until another player tags them to unfreeze them.
  2. Shadow Tag: One player is "it" and must chase the other players, who must stay close to each other to avoid being tagged.
  3. Blind Man's Tag: One player is blindfolded and must try to tag the other players by sound.


  1. Capture the Flag: Two teams have their own flags, which they must defend and try to capture from the other team.
  2. Hide and Seek Tag: Players must hide, and the "it" player must find and tag them.
  3. Sardines Tag: One player hides, and the others must find them. When someone finds the hidden player, they hide with them until all players are hidden together.
  4. Zombie Tag: One player is a "zombie" and must tag the other players to turn them into zombies. The last player remaining is the winner.
  5. Glow-in-the-Dark Tag: Play at night with glow sticks or flashlights to add an extra level of excitement.

Creative Twists

  1. Superhero Tag: Players can choose superheroes and use their powers to help or hinder each other.
  2. Animal Tag: Players can choose animal characters and use their special abilities to evade or catch each other.
  3. Obstacle Course Tag: Set up an obstacle course and players must navigate it while trying to tag each other.
  4. Team Tag: Divide players into teams and have them work together to tag the opposing team.
  5. Time Attack Tag: Set a timer and players must tag as many other players as possible within the time limit.

These are just a few examples of the many tag games you can play. Feel free to get creative and come up with your own variations!