Tag liver diseases

Here are some common liver diseases:

  1. Hepatitis: Inflammation of the liver due to viral infection (Hepatitis A, B, C, D, E), autoimmune disorders, or exposure to toxins.
  2. Cirrhosis: Scarring of the liver due to chronic liver disease, which can lead to liver failure and increased risk of liver cancer.
  3. Fatty Liver Disease (FLD): Excessive accumulation of fat in the liver, often caused by obesity, diabetes, and excessive alcohol consumption.
  4. Non-Alcoholic Steatohepatitis (NASH): A type of FLD characterized by inflammation and scarring of the liver.
  5. Primary Biliary Cholangitis (PBC): An autoimmune disease that causes inflammation and damage to the bile ducts within the liver.
  6. Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis (PSC): An autoimmune disease that causes inflammation and scarring of the bile ducts within the liver.
  7. Liver Cancer: Cancer that originates in the liver, often caused by chronic liver disease, viral hepatitis, or exposure to toxins.
  8. Wilson's Disease: A rare genetic disorder that causes excessive accumulation of copper in the liver, leading to liver damage and other systemic symptoms.
  9. Alpha-1 Antitrypsin Deficiency: A genetic disorder that causes a deficiency of the protein alpha-1 antitrypsin, leading to liver damage and emphysema.
  10. Glycogen Storage Disease: A group of genetic disorders that affect the metabolism of glycogen, leading to liver damage and other systemic symptoms.
  11. Hemochromatosis: A genetic disorder that causes excessive absorption of iron from the diet, leading to liver damage and other systemic symptoms.
  12. Biliary Atresia: A rare congenital disorder that causes inflammation and scarring of the bile ducts within the liver.
  13. Liver Fibrosis: Scarring of the liver due to chronic liver disease, which can lead to liver failure and increased risk of liver cancer.
  14. Autoimmune Hepatitis: An autoimmune disorder that causes inflammation and damage to the liver.
  15. Cholangiocarcinoma: Cancer that originates in the bile ducts within the liver.

These are just a few examples of liver diseases. There are many other conditions that can affect the liver, and it's essential to consult a healthcare professional for proper diagnosis and treatment.