Tag levied

A "tag levied" is a term that is often used in the context of taxation, particularly in the United States. Here's a breakdown of what it means:

What is a tag levied?

A tag levied is a type of tax assessment or levy that is placed on a specific asset or property, such as a vehicle, boat, or aircraft. It is typically used to collect unpaid taxes, fines, or penalties owed to a government agency, such as the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) or a state or local tax authority.

How does it work?

When a tag levied is placed on an asset, it means that the government has seized control of the asset and is holding it until the outstanding tax debt is paid in full. The tag levied is usually in the form of a lien or a levy, which is a legal claim against the asset.

Here's an example: Let's say John owes the IRS $10,000 in back taxes. The IRS places a tag levied on John's car, which means they seize control of the vehicle and hold it until John pays the outstanding tax debt. John can't sell or drive the car until the debt is paid.

Consequences of a tag levied

If a tag levied is placed on an asset, it can have significant consequences for the individual or business owner. Some of the potential consequences include:

How to resolve a tag levied

If you're facing a tag levied, it's essential to take immediate action to resolve the situation. Here are some steps you can take:

  1. Contact the government agency: Reach out to the government agency that placed the tag levied to discuss the situation and negotiate a payment plan or settlement.
  2. Pay the outstanding debt: Pay the outstanding tax debt in full to release the tag levied and regain control over the asset.
  3. Seek professional help: Consider hiring a tax professional or attorney to help you navigate the process and resolve the situation.

Remember, a tag levied is a serious situation that requires prompt attention to avoid further consequences.