Tag lecturers

Here are some popular lecturers across various fields:

Business and Economics

  1. @RayDalio - Founder of Bridgewater Associates, author of "Principles"
  2. @GaryVee - Entrepreneur, author, and speaker on marketing and business
  3. @ScottGalloway - Professor at NYU Stern School of Business, author of "The Four"
  4. @KlausMikaelson - Economist and author of "The End of Power"
  5. @Dan Ariely - Behavioral economist and author of "Predictably Irrational"

Technology and Computer Science

  1. @AndrewNg - Stanford University professor, founder of Coursera
  2. @FeiFeiLi - Director of the Stanford AI Lab, author of "Deep Learning"
  3. @PeterNorvig - Co-author of "Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach"
  4. @GeoffreyHinton - Google AI researcher, co-author of "Deep Learning"
  5. @YannLeCun - Director of AI Research at Facebook, co-author of "Deep Learning"

Science and Medicine

  1. @NeilTyson - Astrophysicist and science communicator
  2. @BrianGreene - Theoretical physicist and author of "The Elegant Universe"
  3. @LisaRandall - Theoretical physicist and author of "Warped Passages"
  4. @SeanCarroll - Theoretical physicist and author of "The Particle at the End of the Universe"
  5. @SiddharthaMukherjee - Oncologist and author of "The Emperor of All Maladies"

Social Sciences and Humanities

  1. @JordanPeterson - Professor of psychology at the University of Toronto
  2. @YuvalHaroari - Historian and author of "Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind"
  3. @RezaAslan - Author and professor of creative writing at the University of California, Riverside
  4. @SamanthaPower - Former US Ambassador to the United Nations, author of "Chasing the Flame"
  5. @ErikErikson - Psychologist and author of "Gandhi's Truth"


  1. @SimonSinek - Author and motivational speaker on leadership and communication
  2. @TonyRobbins - Motivational speaker and author of "Unshakeable"
  3. @RichardStengel - Former editor of Time Magazine, author of "Information Wars"
  4. @MalcolmGladwell - Journalist and author of "The Tipping Point"
  5. @ChrisHedges - Journalist and author of "Empire of Illusion"

Note: These are just a few examples of popular lecturers across various fields. There are many more out there!