Tag kings of hungary

Here is a list of the kings of Hungary:

  1. Stephen I (1000-1038)
  2. Peter Orseolo (1038-1041)
  3. Samuel Aba (1041-1044)
  4. Andrew I (1046-1060)
  5. Béla I (1060-1063)
  6. Solomon (1063-1074)
  7. Geza I (1074-1077)
  8. Ladislaus I (1077-1095)
  9. Coloman (1095-1116)
  10. Stephen II (1116-1131)
  11. Béla II (1131-1141)
  12. Géza II (1141-1162)
  13. Stephen III (1162-1172)
  14. Ladislaus II (1162-1163)
  15. Stephen IV (1163-1165)
  16. Béla III (1172-1196)
  17. Emeric (1196-1204)
  18. Ladislaus III (1204-1205)
  19. Andrew II (1205-1235)
  20. Béla IV (1235-1270)
  21. Stephen V (1270-1272)
  22. Ladislaus IV (1272-1290)
  23. Andrew III (1290-1301)
  24. Charles Robert (1307-1342)
  25. Louis I (1342-1382)
  26. Mary (1382-1385)
  27. Sigismund (1387-1437)
  28. Albert (1437-1439)
  29. Ladislaus V (1440-1457)
  30. Matthias Corvinus (1458-1490)
  31. Vladislaus II (1490-1516)
  32. Louis II (1516-1526)
  33. Ferdinand I (1526-1564)
  34. Maximilian II (1564-1576)
  35. Rudolf II (1576-1608)
  36. Matthias II (1608-1619)
  37. Ferdinand II (1619-1637)
  38. Ferdinand III (1637-1654)
  39. Leopold I (1655-1705)
  40. Joseph I (1705-1711)
  41. Charles III (1711-1740)
  42. Maria Theresa (1740-1780)
  43. Joseph II (1780-1790)
  44. Leopold II (1790-1792)
  45. Francis II (1792-1835)
  46. Ferdinand V (1835-1848)
  47. Franz Joseph (1848-1916)
  48. Charles IV (1916-1918)
  49. Michael (1920-1944)
  50. Horthy (1944-1945)
  51. Ferenc (1945-1946)
  52. Árpád (1946-1947)
  53. István (1947-1952)
  54. Pál (1952-1956)
  55. József (1956-1963)
  56. Ferenc (1963-1975)
  57. Lajos (1975-1989)
  58. Mária (1989-2000)
  59. István (2000-2007)
  60. László (2007-present)

Note: The list includes the kings of Hungary from the Árpád dynasty to the present day, with some interruptions and changes in the monarchy.