Tag kidnapped lagos landlord escapes

Here's a possible news headline:

"TAG KIDNAPPED: Lagos Landlord Escapes from Abductors, Police Launch Manhunt"

Subheading: "Nigerian authorities scramble to rescue missing businessman, suspect kidnappers' motives"


A Lagos-based landlord, identified as Mr. Olamide Ademola, has miraculously escaped from his kidnappers after being held captive for several days. The 45-year-old businessman was abducted from his residence in the upscale Lekki area of Lagos on Tuesday evening.

According to eyewitnesses, Ademola managed to break free from his restraints and make a daring escape from his captors' hideout in the early hours of Friday. He was found wandering along a major highway, where he was taken in by a passing motorist and handed over to the police.

The Lagos State Police Command has launched a manhunt for the kidnappers, who are believed to be a notorious gang operating in the state. Authorities are working to identify the suspects and recover any ransom demands made during the ordeal.

Ademola's family has expressed relief at his safe return, but are still shaken by the traumatic experience. "We are grateful that he is alive, but we are also concerned about the psychological impact this has had on him," said his wife, Mrs. Ademola.

The police have appealed to the public for any information that may lead to the arrest and prosecution of the kidnappers. The incident serves as a stark reminder of the growing threat of kidnapping in Nigeria, and the need for increased vigilance and cooperation between law enforcement agencies and the public.