Tag journalist

Here are some notable journalists across various categories:

Print Journalists

  1. Bob Woodward (Washington Post) - Investigative journalist and author
  2. Carl Bernstein (Washington Post) - Investigative journalist and author
  3. Walter Isaacson (Time Magazine) - Biographer and journalist
  4. Maureen Dowd (The New York Times) - Columnist and journalist
  5. Nicholas Kristof (The New York Times) - Columnist and journalist

Television Journalists

  1. Anderson Cooper (CNN) - Anchor and journalist
  2. Christiane Amanpour (CNN) - Anchor and journalist
  3. Rachel Maddow (MSNBC) - Anchor and journalist
  4. Lester Holt (NBC News) - Anchor and journalist
  5. Wolf Blitzer (CNN) - Anchor and journalist

Online Journalists

  1. Glenn Greenwald (The Intercept) - Investigative journalist and author
  2. Laura Poitras (The Intercept) - Investigative journalist and filmmaker
  3. Edward Snowden (The Guardian) - Whistleblower and journalist
  4. Matt Taibbi (Rolling Stone) - Investigative journalist and author
  5. Jeremy Scahill (The Intercept) - Investigative journalist and author

Radio Journalists

  1. Ira Glass (This American Life) - Radio host and journalist
  2. Terry Gross (Fresh Air) - Radio host and journalist
  3. Diane Rehm (The Diane Rehm Show) - Radio host and journalist
  4. Tom Ashbrook (On Point) - Radio host and journalist
  5. Kai Ryssdal (Marketplace) - Radio host and journalist

Investigative Journalists

  1. Seymour Hersh (The New Yorker) - Investigative journalist and author
  2. Jane Mayer (The New Yorker) - Investigative journalist and author
  3. David Barstow (The New York Times) - Investigative journalist and author
  4. Mark Fiore (The New Yorker) - Investigative journalist and cartoonist
  5. Laura Flanders (The Nation) - Investigative journalist and author

Note: This is not an exhaustive list, and there are many more talented journalists across various categories.