Tag jibrin says nass been padding budget since 1999 dogara sacked me for trying to stop him

It seems like a juicy political controversy!

For those who may not know, Jibrin is a former Chairman of the House of Representatives Committee on Appropriation, and Dogara is the former Speaker of the House of Representatives.

According to Jibrin's statement, he is accusing Dogara and other lawmakers of padding the national budget since 1999, which is a serious allegation of corruption. He claims that he was sacked as Chairman of the Appropriation Committee by Dogara because he was trying to stop the padding of the budget.

Here's a breakdown of the situation:

This controversy has sparked a lot of debate and outrage in Nigeria, with many calling for an investigation into the allegations. The Nigerian government has also promised to investigate the matter.

It's worth noting that Dogara has denied the allegations, and the matter is still under investigation.