Tag jeff sessions

Jeff Sessions, the 84th United States Attorney General, served from February 9, 2017, to November 7, 2018. He was a Republican Senator from Alabama from 1997 to 2017 and was a key advisor to Donald Trump during his presidential campaign.

Here are some notable facts about Jeff Sessions:

  1. Confirmation controversy: Sessions' nomination as Attorney General was met with controversy due to his past statements on race and his involvement in the Trump campaign. He was eventually confirmed by a vote of 52-47 in the Senate.
  2. Recusal from Russia investigation: Sessions recused himself from the investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election due to his involvement in the Trump campaign and his own meetings with Russian officials.
  3. Firing of James Comey: Sessions was involved in the decision to fire FBI Director James Comey, which was seen as a major blow to the Russia investigation.
  4. Tough stance on immigration: Sessions was a strong supporter of President Trump's efforts to crack down on illegal immigration and was a key advocate for building a border wall.
  5. Resignation: Sessions resigned as Attorney General on November 7, 2018, at the request of President Trump, who claimed that Sessions' recusal from the Russia investigation had made it impossible for him to effectively lead the Department of Justice.

Some notable quotes from Jeff Sessions:

  1. "I am not aware of any evidence that there is any collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia." (March 2017)
  2. "I have always believed that the Department of Justice should be above politics." (February 2017)
  3. "We will enforce the laws of this country, and we will do it with integrity and with fairness." (February 2017)

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