Tag jail break

A classic!

Tag Jailbreak is a popular variation of the classic game of Tag. Here's how to play:

Objective: To escape from "jail" by tagging other players who are "free" and then returning to the starting point to break out of jail.

How to Play:

  1. Choose one player to be "it" or the "jailer." The other players are the "prisoners."
  2. The prisoners start at a designated "jail" area, such as a designated zone or a specific location.
  3. The jailer starts at a designated "free" area, such as a different zone or location.
  4. When the game starts, the prisoners try to tag the jailer to become "free."
  5. When a prisoner tags the jailer, they become "free" and can move to the free area.
  6. The jailer can tag a free prisoner to send them back to jail.
  7. A prisoner can only be freed by tagging the jailer, not by running back to the jail area.
  8. The game continues until all prisoners are free, at which point the game is over and a new round can be started.



Are you ready to break out of jail and play Tag Jailbreak?