Tag israels labour party

The Israeli Labor Party, also known as Avoda, is a center-left political party in Israel. Here are some key facts about the party:

Founding: The Israeli Labor Party was founded in 1968 as a merger of several socialist and labor-oriented parties, including the Mapai party, which was the dominant party in Israel from the country's founding until the 1970s.

Ideology: The party's ideology is based on socialism, Zionism, and a commitment to social justice and equality. It has traditionally been associated with the Israeli left and has supported a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Leaders: Some notable leaders of the Israeli Labor Party include:

Current status: The Israeli Labor Party is currently the second-largest party in the Israeli parliament, the Knesset, with 14 seats out of 120. The party is part of the Blue and White alliance, which is the largest party in the Knesset and is led by Benny Gantz.

Recent elections: In the 2019 Israeli legislative election, the Israeli Labor Party won 6 seats in the Knesset, down from 24 seats in the 2015 election. The party has struggled to regain its former strength and influence in Israeli politics.