Tag israels ambassador to the united nations danny danon speaks during a united nations security council meeting on the middle east at the united nations headquarters in new york

Here is the transcript of Danny Danon's speech:

[Start of speech]

"Mr. President, esteemed members of the Security Council,

I stand before you today as the Ambassador of Israel to the United Nations, and I am compelled to speak out against the blatant anti-Israel bias that has become a hallmark of this institution.

For too long, the UN has been a platform for delegitimization and demonization of the Jewish state. The UN has failed to condemn the countless acts of terrorism perpetrated against Israel, and has instead chosen to focus on perceived Israeli "violations" of international law.

But let me be clear: Israel is not the aggressor. We are a sovereign nation, defending ourselves against the constant threats of terrorism and violence emanating from our neighbors.

The UN's obsession with Israel is not only unfair, but it is also counterproductive. It only serves to embolden the terrorists and to undermine the prospects for peace.

Today, I want to highlight a few examples of the UN's bias. The UN Human Rights Council has passed more resolutions condemning Israel than all other countries combined. The UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) has been found to be complicit in promoting anti-Israel incitement and terrorism.

And let's not forget the UN's so-called "Middle East peace process". For decades, the UN has been pushing a two-state solution, without ever holding the Palestinian Authority accountable for its refusal to recognize Israel's right to exist.

But we will not be deterred. We will continue to stand strong and proud, as a beacon of democracy and freedom in the Middle East. We will continue to defend ourselves against terrorism and violence, and we will continue to work towards a future of peace and prosperity for all the peoples of the region.

I urge the UN to take a more balanced approach, to recognize Israel's sovereignty and to condemn the terrorism and violence that threatens our very existence.

Thank you."

[End of speech]