Tag iraqs shiite militias say will launch offensive west of mosul imminently

According to recent reports, the Iraqi Shia militias, led by the Popular Mobilization Forces (PMF), have announced that they will launch an offensive west of Mosul in the near future. The PMF is a coalition of Shia militias that have been fighting against the Islamic State (ISIS) alongside the Iraqi military.

The militias have reportedly been preparing for the offensive, which is expected to target ISIS-held areas west of Mosul, including the cities of Tal Afar and Hawija. The PMF has accused ISIS of committing atrocities against civilians and has vowed to take action to protect the population.

The offensive is likely to be a complex and challenging operation, as ISIS is known to be a highly organized and well-armed group. The PMF will likely face stiff resistance from ISIS fighters, and the operation could result in significant casualties and displacement of civilians.

The US-led coalition has been providing air support to the Iraqi military and PMF in their fight against ISIS, and it is likely that they will continue to do so in the upcoming offensive. However, the PMF's announcement of the offensive has also raised concerns about the potential for civilian casualties and human rights abuses, given the group's history of violence and human rights violations.

It is worth noting that the PMF is a complex and diverse group, and not all of its members have been involved in human rights abuses. However, the group has been criticized by human rights organizations for its treatment of civilians and its involvement in violence against Sunnis and other minority groups.

Overall, the upcoming offensive by the PMF west of Mosul is likely to be a significant development in the fight against ISIS, but it also raises concerns about the potential for civilian casualties and human rights abuses.