Tag iraq declares curfew in oil city under islamic state attackiraq declares curfew in oil city under islamic state attack


Baghdad, Iraq - The Iraqi government has declared a curfew in the oil-rich city of Kirkuk, located in the north of the country, after it came under attack by the Islamic State (IS) militant group.

The curfew, which went into effect at 6:00 pm local time, is expected to remain in place until further notice, according to a statement issued by the Kirkuk provincial government.

The attack on Kirkuk, which is home to several major oil fields, began early on Tuesday morning when IS militants launched a surprise assault on the city's outskirts. The militants, who have been pushed out of much of their territory in Iraq in recent years, are believed to be seeking to regain control of key cities and infrastructure.

The Iraqi military has been battling IS in Kirkuk for several hours, with reports of intense fighting and airstrikes in the city. The Iraqi government has deployed additional troops to the area to support the local security forces and push back against the IS attack.

The curfew is intended to prevent civilians from moving around the city and to help the security forces contain the situation. The city's residents have been advised to stay indoors and avoid any areas where fighting is taking place.

Kirkuk is a strategic city in northern Iraq, located near the borders with Turkey and Syria. It is home to several major oil fields and is a key hub for the country's oil industry. The city has been a flashpoint in the conflict between the Iraqi government and IS, with the militants launching several attacks on the city in recent years.

The attack on Kirkuk comes as the Iraqi government is struggling to contain the spread of IS in the country. The group has been able to regroup and launch new attacks in recent months, despite being pushed out of much of its territory in 2017.

The US-led coalition, which has been supporting the Iraqi government in its fight against IS, has launched airstrikes in support of the Iraqi military in Kirkuk. The coalition has also provided military assistance to the Iraqi government, including training and equipment.

The situation in Kirkuk is still developing, and it is unclear how long the curfew will remain in place. The Iraqi government has promised to do everything in its power to protect the city and its residents from the IS attack.