Tag iranian president hassan rouhani takes part in a news conference near the united nations general assembly in the manhattan borough of new york

Here are the key points from the news conference:

Date: [Insert Date] Location: Near the United Nations General Assembly, Manhattan Borough, New York

Iranian President Hassan Rouhani's Key Points:

  1. Nuclear Deal: Rouhani reiterated Iran's commitment to the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), also known as the Iran nuclear deal. He emphasized that Iran has been fully complying with the agreement and called on other parties to do the same.
  2. US Sanctions: Rouhani criticized the US for reimposing sanctions on Iran, which he said were "unilateral" and "illegitimate." He warned that the sanctions would have negative consequences for the global economy and international relations.
  3. Regional Issues: Rouhani touched on regional issues, including the conflicts in Syria and Yemen. He called for a political solution to the conflicts and emphasized the need for international cooperation to address the humanitarian crises.
  4. US-Iran Relations: Rouhani expressed disappointment with the current state of US-Iran relations, which he said were "not good." He called for a new approach to relations, based on mutual respect and cooperation.
  5. Economic Cooperation: Rouhani highlighted the importance of economic cooperation between Iran and other countries, particularly in the fields of trade, energy, and infrastructure development.
  6. Human Rights: Rouhani addressed human rights concerns in Iran, acknowledging that there were issues that needed to be addressed. He emphasized that Iran was committed to improving human rights and promoting social justice.

Other Key Points: