Tag investors lose n6 4bn in bearish trading

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Tag Investors Lose N6.4 Billion in Bearish Trading

A group of investors in the Nigerian stock market has suffered a significant loss of N6.4 billion due to bearish trading activities. The investors, who had invested in various stocks listed on the Nigerian Exchange (NGX), were caught off guard by the sudden downturn in the market.

The bearish trend, which started last week, saw the NGX All-Share Index (ASI) plummet by 2.5%, wiping out the gains made by investors in recent months. The index closed at 43,444.44 points on Friday, down from 44,444.44 points the previous week.

The loss is attributed to a combination of factors, including the ongoing global economic uncertainty, the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the global economy, and the lack of confidence in the Nigerian economy.

The affected investors, who had invested in stocks such as Dangote Cement, Nestle Nigeria, and Guaranty Trust Bank, are now counting their losses. The loss is estimated to be around N6.4 billion, with some investors losing as much as 20% of their investment.

The bearish trend is expected to continue in the short term, with analysts predicting a further decline in the market. However, some investors are holding on to their investments, hoping that the market will recover in the long term.

The Nigerian Exchange (NGX) has urged investors to be cautious and to diversify their portfolios to minimize losses. The exchange has also called on the government to implement policies that will boost investor confidence and stimulate economic growth.

In the meantime, investors are left to count their losses and hope for a turnaround in the market.