Tag international week of the deaf

The International Week of the Deaf (IWD) is an annual event celebrated from September 20 to September 26. It was established by the World Federation of the Deaf (WFD) to promote the rights and inclusion of deaf people around the world.

The theme of IWD changes each year, but the overall goal remains the same: to raise awareness about the deaf community and promote the use of sign language and other forms of communication that are accessible to deaf people.

Here are some ways to participate in IWD:

  1. Learn some sign language: Take an online course or attend a local sign language class to learn some basic signs and phrases.
  2. Use social media: Share posts and tweets about IWD, using hashtags like #InternationalWeekOfTheDeaf and #DeafAwareness.
  3. Attend events: Look for local events, such as sign language workshops, deaf culture festivals, and advocacy meetings.
  4. Watch deaf-friendly content: Watch movies, TV shows, and videos that feature deaf characters or are produced by deaf creators.
  5. Support deaf-owned businesses: Shop at businesses owned by deaf people or that cater to the deaf community.
  6. Advocate for accessibility: Support policies and initiatives that promote accessibility and inclusion for deaf people.
  7. Connect with the deaf community: Reach out to deaf friends, family members, or colleagues and ask them about their experiences and perspectives.

Some notable events and activities that take place during IWD include:

By participating in IWD, you can help promote greater understanding, acceptance, and inclusion of deaf people around the world.