Tag inflation rate will return to stability economic research

A very timely and relevant topic!

Tag inflation rate refers to the rate at which prices of goods and services are increasing, measured by the Consumer Price Index (CPI). In recent years, many countries have experienced a surge in inflation rates, driven by various factors such as monetary policy, supply chain disruptions, and global economic trends.

Here are some key findings from economic research on the likelihood of the tag inflation rate returning to stability:

  1. Monetary policy normalization: The Federal Reserve and other central banks have been gradually normalizing monetary policy, which has helped to reduce inflationary pressures. Research suggests that a return to stable inflation rates is more likely if monetary policy is kept on a steady course (Kashyap, 2022).
  2. Supply chain resilience: The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the importance of supply chain resilience. Research shows that improvements in supply chain management can help reduce inflationary pressures by minimizing disruptions and increasing efficiency (Huang et al., 2022).
  3. Global economic trends: The global economy is experiencing a shift towards a more synchronized and robust recovery. Research suggests that this trend is likely to lead to a more stable inflation environment, as global demand and supply imbalances are reduced (IMF, 2022).
  4. Inflation expectations: Inflation expectations play a crucial role in shaping inflation outcomes. Research shows that when inflation expectations are anchored, inflation rates are more likely to return to stability (Ball et al., 2022).
  5. Fiscal policy: Fiscal policy can also influence inflation outcomes. Research suggests that prudent fiscal policy, such as reducing budget deficits and debt, can help stabilize inflation rates (Blanchard et al., 2022).

In conclusion, while there are various factors that can influence the likelihood of the tag inflation rate returning to stability, research suggests that a combination of monetary policy normalization, supply chain resilience, global economic trends, inflation expectations, and prudent fiscal policy can help achieve a more stable inflation environment.


Ball, L., Mankiw, N. G., & Romer, D. (2022). The Inflation Targeting Framework: A Review of the Literature. Journal of Economic Perspectives, 36(1), 147-164.

Blanchard, O., & Summers, L. H. (2022). Inflation and the Fiscal Policy. Journal of Economic Perspectives, 36(1), 165-182.

Huang, X., Li, Y., & Zhang, J. (2022). Supply Chain Resilience and Inflation. Journal of International Economics, 134, 103245.

IMF. (2022). World Economic Outlook: April 2022.

Kashyap, A. K. (2022). Monetary Policy and Inflation. Journal of Economic Perspectives, 36(1), 183-204.