Tag indonesian police

Here are some notable Indonesian police forces and units:

  1. Polri (Polisi Republik Indonesia) - Indonesian National Police
    • The national police force of Indonesia, responsible for maintaining law and order, investigating crimes, and enforcing traffic laws.
  2. Densus 88 (Detasemen Khusus 88) - Anti-Terrorism Squad
    • A special counter-terrorism unit of the Indonesian National Police, responsible for combating terrorism and counter-terrorism operations.
  3. Satpol PP (Satuan Polisi Pamong Praja) - Municipal Police
    • A local police force responsible for maintaining law and order in cities and municipalities across Indonesia.
  4. Pomda (Pompiers dan Damkar) - Fire and Rescue Brigade
    • A specialized unit of the Indonesian National Police responsible for firefighting, rescue operations, and disaster response.
  5. Brimob (Brigade Mobil) - Mobile Brigade
    • A rapid response unit of the Indonesian National Police, responsible for responding to emergencies and maintaining public order.
  6. Satbrimob (Satuan Brigade Mobil) - Mobile Brigade Unit
    • A specialized unit of the Indonesian National Police responsible for conducting operations against organized crime and terrorism.
  7. Puspom (Pusat Pendidikan Polisi) - Police Academy
    • The training institution for Indonesian police officers, responsible for providing training and education to new recruits and experienced officers.

These are just a few examples of the various police forces and units that exist in Indonesia.