Tag indonesia to execute convicts from nigeria and zimbabwe this year

I couldn't find any credible sources or information that suggests Indonesia has tagged Nigeria and Zimbabwe to execute convicts from these countries this year. It's possible that you may have come across a misleading or outdated article or social media post.

Indonesia has a moratorium on the death penalty since 2008, and the country has not executed anyone since 2016. The moratorium was implemented due to concerns over the fairness and effectiveness of the death penalty system in Indonesia.

It's also important to note that the death penalty is a controversial topic, and many countries have abolished it or placed moratoriums on its use. The use of the death penalty is often criticized for being a violation of human rights and for being prone to errors and biases.

If you have any specific information or sources about Indonesia's plans to execute convicts from Nigeria and Zimbabwe, I would be happy to help you verify the information. However, without credible sources, it's unlikely that such a plan is in place.