Tag incessant executivelegislative frictions in nigerias democracy

Here are some examples of incessant executive-legislative frictions in Nigeria's democracy:

  1. Budgetary Disagreements: The executive and legislative arms have consistently clashed over the budgetary process, with the executive often accusing the legislature of inserting unnecessary projects and the legislature accusing the executive of not providing sufficient details on budgetary allocations.
  2. Confirmation of Appointments: The legislature has frequently delayed or rejected the confirmation of presidential appointments, citing lack of transparency and due process. The executive, on the other hand, has accused the legislature of playing politics with appointments.
  3. Investigations and Probes: The legislature has launched several investigations and probes into alleged corruption and abuse of power by the executive, which the executive has often resisted, citing lack of jurisdiction and political vendetta.
  4. Legislative Oversight: The legislature has accused the executive of stonewalling its oversight functions, refusing to provide necessary information and documents, and undermining its ability to effectively scrutinize government activities.
  5. Executive Orders: The executive has frequently issued executive orders, bypassing the legislature and circumventing its constitutional powers. The legislature has responded by accusing the executive of attempting to undermine its authority and usurp its powers.
  6. National Assembly's Powers: The legislature has clashed with the executive over the scope of its powers, with the executive often attempting to limit its authority and the legislature pushing back to assert its constitutional rights.
  7. Security and Intelligence: The legislature has accused the executive of withholding information on national security and intelligence matters, while the executive has accused the legislature of attempting to compromise national security by seeking access to sensitive information.
  8. Economic Policies: The legislature has frequently disagreed with the executive's economic policies, accusing it of not consulting widely enough and not providing sufficient details on its plans. The executive has responded by accusing the legislature of not understanding the complexities of economic management.
  9. Judicial Appointments: The legislature has clashed with the executive over the appointment of judges, with the legislature accusing the executive of not consulting widely enough and the executive accusing the legislature of attempting to interfere with the independence of the judiciary.
  10. Constitutional Amendments: The legislature has frequently proposed constitutional amendments, which the executive has often resisted, citing concerns about the impact on the country's political and economic stability.

These frictions have contributed to a lack of cooperation and trust between the executive and legislative arms of government in Nigeria, undermining the country's democratic development and stability.