Tag import

The tag import!

In Python, the tag import is used to import a specific module or function from a package. The syntax is as follows:

from package import tag

Here, package is the name of the package, and tag is the name of the module or function you want to import.

For example, if you have a package called my_package with a module called my_module that contains a function called my_function, you can import it like this:

from my_package.my_module import my_function

This will allow you to use the my_function function in your code.

The tag import is useful when you want to import a specific module or function from a package, rather than importing the entire package. This can help keep your code organized and reduce namespace pollution.

Here are some examples of using the tag import:

# Import a specific module from a package
from my_package import my_module

# Import a specific function from a module
from my_package.my_module import my_function

# Import multiple modules or functions from a package
from my_package import my_module, my_other_module

Note that the tag import is not the same as the import statement, which imports the entire package. The tag import is used to import specific modules or functions from a package, while the import statement is used to import the entire package.