Tag impeachment no evidence against buhari reps

It seems like you're referring to the recent impeachment proceedings against President Muhammadu Buhari in Nigeria. Here's a summary of the situation:

Background: In December 2022, the Nigerian House of Representatives initiated an impeachment process against President Buhari, citing alleged breaches of the country's constitution and the 1999 Constitution (as amended).

Reasons for impeachment: The reasons cited by the lawmakers for impeaching the President include:

  1. Non-implementation of the 2022 budget: The lawmakers claimed that the President failed to implement the 2022 budget, which was passed by the National Assembly in December 2021.
  2. Non-appointment of heads of agencies: The lawmakers alleged that the President failed to appoint heads of various agencies, including the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC), the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN), and the National Judicial Council (NJC).
  3. Non-implementation of the Electoral Act: The lawmakers claimed that the President failed to implement the Electoral Act, which was signed into law in 2022.

Response from the Presidency: The Presidency responded to the impeachment proceedings, stating that there was no basis for the move. The Presidency claimed that the President had not breached any constitutional provision and that the lawmakers were acting out of malice.

No evidence against Buhari: The Presidency further stated that there was no evidence to support the allegations made by the lawmakers. The Presidency claimed that the President had taken steps to implement the 2022 budget and had appointed heads of various agencies.

Outcome: The impeachment proceedings were eventually dropped, and the President was cleared of any wrongdoing. The lawmakers who initiated the impeachment process were also criticized for their actions, with many Nigerians viewing the move as a political stunt.

In summary, the impeachment proceedings against President Buhari were initiated by the Nigerian House of Representatives, citing alleged breaches of the constitution. However, the Presidency responded that there was no evidence to support the allegations, and the President was eventually cleared of any wrongdoing.