Tag immigration ban

The immigration ban, also known as the "Travel Ban" or "Muslim Ban," refers to a series of executive orders signed by President Donald Trump in 2017 that aimed to restrict immigration from certain countries. Here are some key facts and tags related to the immigration ban:

Executive Orders:

  1. Executive Order 13769 (January 27, 2017): "Protecting the Nation from Foreign Terrorist Entry into the United States"
  2. Executive Order 13880 (March 6, 2017): "Presidential Executive Order on Enhancing Public Safety in the Interior of the United States"
  3. Executive Order 13888 (September 24, 2017): "Enhancing Vetting Capabilities and Processes for Detection of Deceptive or Misleading Information"

Countries affected:

  1. Iran
  2. Iraq
  3. Libya
  4. Somalia
  5. Syria
  6. Yemen
  7. North Korea
  8. Venezuela

Key provisions:

  1. Travel ban: Suspended the entry of nationals from the listed countries into the United States for 90 days.
  2. Refugee ban: Suspended the entry of refugees into the United States for 120 days.
  3. Vetting: Required additional vetting procedures for immigrants and refugees from the listed countries.
  4. Waivers: Allowed the Secretary of State, in consultation with the Secretary of Homeland Security and the Director of National Intelligence, to issue waivers for individuals who could demonstrate that their entry would not pose a risk to national security or public safety.

Legal challenges:

  1. Hawaii v. Trump (2017): A federal judge blocked the travel ban, citing violations of the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment.
  2. International Refugee Assistance Project v. Trump (2017): A federal appeals court blocked the refugee ban, citing violations of the Administrative Procedure Act and the Immigration and Nationality Act.
  3. Trump v. Hawaii (2018): The Supreme Court upheld the travel ban, ruling that it was within the President's authority to impose restrictions on immigration.


  1. Travel disruptions: The ban caused significant disruptions to travel and affected thousands of individuals, including students, workers, and refugees.
  2. Humanitarian concerns: Critics argued that the ban was discriminatory and would harm vulnerable populations, including refugees and asylum seekers.
  3. Economic impacts: The ban was also criticized for its potential economic impacts, including losses for businesses and universities that rely on international students and workers.


  1. ImmigrationBan

  2. TravelBan

  3. MuslimBan

  4. RefugeeBan

  5. NationalSecurity

  6. PublicSafety

  7. Discrimination

  8. HumanRights

  9. EconomicImpacts

  10. LegalChallenges