Tag ibm apologises for australian e census bungle

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IBM Apologizes for Australian e-Census Bungle

IBM has issued a formal apology for the technical issues that plagued the Australian Bureau of Statistics' (ABS) online census, which was conducted on August 9.

The census, which was designed to be a digital-first experience, was marred by widespread technical problems, including slow loading times, errors, and crashes. Many Australians were unable to complete the census online, leading to frustration and disappointment.

In a statement, IBM acknowledged that the issues were "unacceptable" and apologized for the inconvenience caused to Australians.

"We understand the importance of the census and the trust that the Australian people have placed in us to deliver a successful online experience," said IBM Australia's Managing Director, David McKay. "Unfortunately, we fell short of our own high standards, and for that, we apologize."

The ABS had partnered with IBM to develop the online census platform, which was designed to be more efficient and cost-effective than traditional paper-based censuses. However, the technical issues raised questions about the reliability and security of the platform.

The Australian government has launched an investigation into the causes of the technical problems and is considering taking action against IBM and the ABS.

In the meantime, IBM has promised to work closely with the ABS to identify the root causes of the issues and to implement measures to prevent similar problems in the future.

"We are committed to regaining the trust of the Australian people and to delivering a successful online census experience in the future," said McKay.

The apology comes as a relief to many Australians who were affected by the technical issues, and it remains to be seen how the government will respond to the bungle.