Tag i have never had a reason to regret accepting to be your wife comedian bovis wife tells him as they celebrate 7th wedding anniversary today

What a lovely sentiment! Here's a possible script:

(The scene is set in a cozy restaurant, with a candlelit table and a bottle of champagne chilling in an ice bucket. Comedian Bovis and his wife, a witty and charming woman, sit across from each other, holding hands and smiling.)

Comedian Bovis: (raising his glass) To seven incredible years of marriage, my love! I'm so grateful to have you by my side.

Wife: (smiling) And I'm grateful to have you, too. You know, I've never had a reason to regret accepting to be your wife.

Comedian Bovis: (laughs) Really? That's music to my ears! What's the secret to our success?

Wife: (teasingly) Well, it's not because you're a brilliant comedian or anything... (winks)

Comedian Bovis: (laughs) Oh, burn! But seriously, what is it?

Wife: (smiling) It's because you're kind, supportive, and make me laugh every day. You're my rock, my partner in crime, and my best friend.

Comedian Bovis: (touched) Aw, thank you, sweetheart. That means the world to me. And I have to say, I'm grateful to have you as my wife too. You're the one who keeps me grounded and reminds me of what's truly important.

Wife: (smiling) That's what marriage is all about, right? Supporting each other and making each other laugh.

Comedian Bovis: (raises his glass again) To many more years of love, laughter, and adventure together! Cheers!

Wife: (clinks her glass against his) Cheers to that!