Tag french police

The French police, also known as the Police Nationale, are responsible for maintaining law and order in France. Here are some of the main units and agencies that make up the French police:

  1. Police Nationale (National Police): The main police force in France, responsible for maintaining public order, preventing and investigating crimes, and enforcing laws and regulations.
  2. Gendarmerie (National Gendarmerie): A military police force that is responsible for maintaining order and security in rural areas, as well as providing support to the Police Nationale.
  3. BAC (Brigade Anti-Criminalité): A specialized unit that focuses on combating organized crime and drug trafficking.
  4. RAID (Recherche, Assistance, Intervention, Dissuasion): A specialized unit that focuses on combating terrorism, organized crime, and other serious crimes.
  5. Police des Mines (Mining Police): A specialized unit that is responsible for enforcing safety regulations in the mining industry.
  6. Police des Forêts (Forest Police): A specialized unit that is responsible for enforcing regulations related to forestry and wildlife conservation.
  7. Police des Ports (Port Police): A specialized unit that is responsible for enforcing regulations related to maritime trade and navigation.
  8. Police des Frontières (Border Police): A specialized unit that is responsible for enforcing immigration and customs regulations at France's borders.
  9. Police des Routes (Highway Police): A specialized unit that is responsible for enforcing traffic regulations and maintaining order on France's highways.
  10. Police Municipale (Municipal Police): Local police forces that are responsible for maintaining order and enforcing local regulations in cities and towns across France.

Some notable French police units and agencies include:

These are just a few examples of the many units and agencies that make up the French police.