Tag francis of assisi 26

Here are 26 interesting facts about Saint Francis of Assisi:

  1. Born in 1181: Francis was born Giovanni di Pietro di Bernardone in Assisi, Italy, on September 26, 1181.
  2. Son of a wealthy merchant: Francis was the son of a wealthy merchant named Pietro di Bernardone, who was a successful cloth merchant.
  3. Early life: Francis was raised in a wealthy family and received a good education, but he was more interested in sports and parties than in his studies.
  4. Conversion: At the age of 18, Francis had a profound conversion experience, which led him to renounce his wealth and worldly possessions.
  5. Simple life: Francis lived a simple life, wearing rough clothing and begging for food.
  6. Preached to birds: Francis is famous for preaching to birds, which he believed were his brothers and sisters.
  7. Founded the Franciscan Order: In 1209, Francis founded the Franciscan Order, a religious order dedicated to poverty, chastity, and obedience.
  8. Preached to animals: Francis preached to animals, including wolves, bears, and even a ferocious wolf that had been terrorizing a nearby town.
  9. Wrote the Canticle of the Sun: Francis wrote the Canticle of the Sun, a beautiful poem that praises God for the beauty of creation.
  10. Miracles: Francis performed many miracles during his lifetime, including healing the sick and raising the dead.
  11. Preached to the Sultan: In 1219, Francis traveled to Egypt to preach to the Sultan of Egypt, who was impressed by Francis's courage and conviction.
  12. Stigmata: Francis received the stigmata, the wounds of Christ, in 1224, which caused him great physical and spiritual suffering.
  13. Died in 1226: Francis died on October 3, 1226, at the age of 44, and was buried in the church of San Francesco in Assisi.
  14. Canonized in 1228: Francis was canonized as a saint just two years after his death, in 1228.
  15. Patron saint of animals: Francis is the patron saint of animals, and his feast day is celebrated on October 4.
  16. Patron saint of Italy: Francis is also the patron saint of Italy, and his feast day is celebrated as a national holiday.
  17. Patron saint of ecology: Francis is considered the patron saint of ecology, and his teachings on the interconnectedness of all living things are still relevant today.
  18. Preached to the poor: Francis preached to the poor and the marginalized, and his message of love and compassion resonated with them.
  19. Founded the Poor Clares: In 1218, Francis founded the Poor Clares, a religious order of women dedicated to poverty, chastity, and obedience.
  20. Wrote the Rule of the Franciscans: Francis wrote the Rule of the Franciscans, which outlined the principles and practices of the order.
  21. Preached to the nobility: Francis preached to the nobility and the wealthy, and his message of simplicity and humility was often met with resistance.
  22. Preached to the clergy: Francis preached to the clergy, and his criticisms of their wealth and corruption led to conflicts with the Church hierarchy.
  23. Preached to the laity: Francis preached to the laity, and his message of love and compassion resonated with ordinary people.
  24. Founded the Franciscan Sisters: In 1218, Francis founded the Franciscan Sisters, a religious order of women dedicated to poverty, chastity, and obedience.
  25. Preached to the Jews: Francis preached to the Jews, and his message of love and respect for all people was met with hostility by some.
  26. Legacy: Francis's legacy is one of simplicity, humility, and compassion, and his teachings continue to inspire people around the world today.