Tag frances final presidential debate

You're referring to the final presidential debate between Joe Biden and Donald Trump on October 22, 2020!

Here are some notable moments and quotes from the debate:

Moderator: Kristen Welker (NBC News)


  1. COVID-19
  2. Economy
  3. Health Care
  4. National Security
  5. Climate Change
  6. Immigration
  7. Race and Justice

Notable Moments:

  1. Masks: Joe Biden wore a mask throughout the debate, while Donald Trump did not.
  2. COVID-19: The debate started with a discussion on COVID-19, with both candidates disagreeing on their handling of the pandemic.
  3. Economy: Trump claimed credit for the strong economy before the pandemic, while Biden argued that the economy was already slowing down.
  4. Health Care: Biden emphasized his plan to expand the Affordable Care Act, while Trump reiterated his efforts to repeal and replace it.
  5. National Security: The debate touched on issues like Iran, North Korea, and China, with both candidates presenting their foreign policy visions.
  6. Climate Change: Biden emphasized the need for urgent action on climate change, while Trump downplayed its severity.
  7. Immigration: The debate covered topics like border security, asylum seekers, and the wall along the US-Mexico border.
  8. Race and Justice: The debate addressed issues like systemic racism, police brutality, and voting rights.


  1. Joe Biden: "We're in a situation where we have a pandemic that's taking over the world, and we're not taking it seriously enough."
  2. Donald Trump: "I've done a great job, and I'm going to continue to do a great job."
  3. Joe Biden: "We need to make sure that we're not just talking about the economy, we're talking about the soul of this country."
  4. Donald Trump: "I'm a winner, and I've been a winner all my life."


  1. Pundits: Many pundits praised Kristen Welker's moderation, saying she kept the debate civil and focused.
  2. Voters: A CNN/SSRS poll found that 53% of voters thought Biden won the debate, while 39% thought Trump won.
  3. Social Media: The debate sparked a flurry of reactions on social media, with many users discussing the candidates' performances and policy positions.

The final presidential debate was a crucial moment in the 2020 US presidential election, with both candidates presenting their visions for the country's future.