Tag fg spent n1 02 trillion to service debt in 2015 dmo

It appears that you're asking about the Federal Government of Nigeria's (FGN) debt servicing expenditure in 2015.

According to the Debt Management Office (DMO) of Nigeria, the FGN spent N1.02 trillion (approximately $2.6 billion USD) to service its domestic and external debts in 2015.

Here's a breakdown of the debt servicing expenditure in 2015:

  1. Domestic debt servicing: N744.4 billion (approximately $1.9 billion USD)
  2. External debt servicing: N277.6 billion (approximately $720 million USD)

These figures are based on the DMO's 2015 Annual Report, which provides an overview of the FGN's debt management activities for that year.

It's worth noting that the FGN's debt servicing expenditure has continued to rise over the years, driven by the increasing size of the country's debt stock and the need to service both domestic and external debts.