Tag fg needs 7bn to kick start mines

It seems like you're referring to the news about the Federal Government (FG) needing 7 billion naira to kick-start the mining sector in Nigeria.

For those who may not be aware, the mining sector is a significant contributor to the country's economy, and the FG has been making efforts to revamp it. According to reports, the 7 billion naira is needed to fund various initiatives aimed at boosting the sector, including the development of infrastructure, provision of equipment, and training of miners.

The goal is to increase the sector's contribution to the country's GDP and create more jobs for Nigerians. The mining sector has the potential to be a major driver of economic growth, and with the right investment and support, it can help to diversify the country's economy and reduce its reliance on oil.

It's worth noting that the FG has been working to improve the business environment for miners, including reducing bureaucratic hurdles and increasing transparency in the sector. The government has also been exploring ways to increase local content and encourage more Nigerians to participate in the sector.

Overall, the 7 billion naira needed to kick-start the mining sector is a significant investment that could have long-term benefits for the country's economy and development.