Tag fake pharmacist tells court that he didnt know his drugs were fake

A classic defense!

In a bizarre case, a self-proclaimed "pharmacist" in the United States has claimed that he didn't know the drugs he was selling were fake. The individual, identified as 34-year-old Michael Hill, was arrested and charged with multiple counts of fraud and drug trafficking after authorities discovered that he was selling counterfeit prescription medications online.

During his trial, Hill's defense team argued that he was a legitimate pharmacist who had been duped by a supplier into selling fake drugs. Hill himself took the stand and claimed that he had no idea the medications he was selling were counterfeit.

"I thought they were real," Hill said, according to court transcripts. "I didn't know they were fake. I was just trying to make a living."

Prosecutors, however, presented evidence that suggested Hill had been aware of the drugs' authenticity all along. They pointed out that Hill had been selling the medications online for years, and that he had received numerous complaints from customers who had received fake or expired products.

Additionally, investigators found that Hill had been using fake pharmacy licenses and certifications to legitimize his business, and that he had been using the profits from his illegal activities to fund a lavish lifestyle.

The judge in the case was not convinced by Hill's defense, and ultimately found him guilty on all counts. Hill was sentenced to 10 years in prison and ordered to pay a fine of $250,000.

This case highlights the importance of verifying the authenticity of prescription medications and the dangers of buying drugs from unlicensed or unverified sources. It also serves as a reminder that criminals will often use elaborate schemes to deceive and defraud unsuspecting victims.