Tag factional chairman

You're referring to the Factional Chairman of the Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB), Nnamdi Kanu!

Nnamdi Kanu is a Nigerian lawyer and activist who is the leader of the Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB), a separatist group that advocates for the independence of Biafra, a region in southeastern Nigeria.

As the Factional Chairman of IPOB, Kanu has been a vocal advocate for Biafran independence and has been involved in various protests and demonstrations to push for the cause. He has also been involved in several controversies and has been arrested and detained on multiple occasions.

Kanu's leadership of IPOB has been marked by controversy, with some critics accusing him of promoting violence and extremism, while others see him as a champion of the Biafran cause. Despite the challenges, Kanu remains a prominent figure in Nigerian politics and a symbol of the Biafran independence movement.