Tag eye

A "tag eye" is a type of eye makeup design that involves applying a small, rounded shape of eye shadow or eyeliner to the outer corner of the eye. The shape is typically small and rounded, resembling a tag or a sticker.

To create a tag eye, you can use a small brush to apply a light shade of eye shadow or eyeliner to the outer corner of your eye. You can also use a liquid eyeliner to create a more precise shape.

Here are some tips for creating a tag eye:

  1. Start by applying a light shade of eye shadow or eyeliner to the outer corner of your eye. This will help to create a subtle, natural-looking shape.
  2. Use a small brush to apply the eye shadow or eyeliner. This will help you to create a precise shape and avoid applying too much product.
  3. Start at the outer corner of your eye and work your way inwards. This will help you to create a smooth, even shape.
  4. Use a light hand when applying the eye shadow or eyeliner. You can always add more product, but it's harder to remove excess product.
  5. Blend the edges of the tag eye well to create a seamless transition between the eye shadow or eyeliner and the rest of your eye makeup.

Here are some variations on the tag eye that you can try:

Remember to have fun and experiment with different shapes and sizes to find the look that works best for you!