Tag email

You're referring to email tagging!

Email tagging is a feature that allows you to categorize and prioritize your emails by assigning specific labels or tags to them. This helps you quickly identify and manage your emails, making it easier to find and respond to important messages.

Here are some common uses of email tagging:

  1. Prioritization: Tag important emails as "High Priority" or "Urgent" to ensure you respond to them first.
  2. Categorization: Tag emails by project, client, or topic to keep related messages organized.
  3. Filtering: Use tags to filter out unwanted emails, such as spam or newsletters, and move them to a separate folder.
  4. Search: Use tags to quickly search for specific emails or topics.
  5. Collaboration: Share tags with colleagues to collaborate on projects or share information.

Some popular email clients that support tagging include:

  1. Gmail (using labels)
  2. Microsoft Outlook (using categories)
  3. Apple Mail (using flags)
  4. Mozilla Thunderbird (using tags)
  5. ProtonMail (using labels)

Do you have a specific question about email tagging or would you like to know more about how to use it in your email client?