Tag electoral reforms will be ready in 2017 senate

You're referring to the proposed electoral reforms in the Philippines!

According to reports, the Senate Committee on Electoral Reforms has been working on a comprehensive bill to reform the country's electoral system. The committee, led by Senator Francis Pangilinan, has been conducting public hearings and gathering inputs from various stakeholders to craft a bill that addresses the issues and concerns in the country's electoral process.

As of my knowledge cutoff in 2022, the committee has been working on the bill, and it is expected to be ready for plenary deliberation in the Senate in 2023, not 2017. The bill aims to address issues such as:

  1. The use of automated election systems (AES) to ensure the accuracy and transparency of election results.
  2. The creation of a more independent and autonomous Commission on Elections (COMELEC).
  3. The implementation of a more robust and secure voter registration system.
  4. The introduction of a more proportional representation system to ensure more representative and diverse representation in Congress.
  5. The strengthening of election laws and penalties to prevent election fraud and other irregularities.

Please note that the timeline for the passage of the bill is subject to change, and it may take some time before it becomes a law.