Tag edo


Edo is a historical name for Tokyo, Japan. It was the name of the city from 1603 to 1868, when it was the seat of the Tokugawa shogunate. The name "Edo" was officially changed to "Tokyo" in 1868, after the Meiji Restoration.

Here are some interesting facts about Edo/Tokyo:

  1. Edo was a city of over 1 million people in the 18th century, making it one of the largest cities in the world at the time.
  2. The city was known for its vibrant entertainment district, known as the "Floating World" (Ukiyo-e), which featured theaters, restaurants, and brothels.
  3. Edo was a major center of trade and commerce, with merchants and traders coming from all over Japan and Asia to buy and sell goods.
  4. The city was also famous for its food, with popular dishes like sushi, ramen, and tempura originating in Edo.
  5. Edo was a city of contrasts, with opulent temples and shrines alongside poverty-stricken slums and disease-ridden alleys.

Today, Tokyo is a global city and a hub of technology, finance, and culture, but it still retains many of the traditions and cultural heritage of its Edo-era past.