Tag earthquake hits already battered central italy

A devastating earthquake has struck Central Italy, causing widespread destruction and loss of life. The 6.2-magnitude quake struck at 3:36 am local time, with its epicenter located near the town of Norcia, in the Umbria region.

The earthquake has caused significant damage to buildings, infrastructure, and historic landmarks, with many towns and cities in the region reporting widespread destruction. The towns of Norcia, Spoleto, and Perugia have been particularly hard hit, with reports of collapsed buildings, damaged roads, and power outages.

The Italian Civil Protection Agency has reported that at least 17 people have been killed, with many more injured. The agency has also reported that over 1,000 people have been rescued from the rubble, with many more still trapped.

The earthquake has also caused significant damage to historic landmarks, including the 13th-century Basilica of San Benedetto in Norcia, which has collapsed. The town's medieval castle has also been severely damaged.

The Italian government has declared a state of emergency in the affected regions, with Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte promising to do everything possible to help those affected by the disaster.

The earthquake has also caused widespread panic and fear among the population, with many people taking to social media to share their experiences and offer support to those affected.

The cause of the earthquake is still unknown, but it is believed to have been triggered by a combination of tectonic activity and human activity, such as the injection of fluids into the ground.

The Italian Red Cross and other emergency services are working to respond to the disaster, with teams of rescuers and emergency responders working to search for survivors and provide aid to those affected.

The international community has also offered its support to Italy, with many countries offering aid and assistance to help with the response and recovery efforts.

In the meantime, the people of Central Italy are coming together to support each other and rebuild their communities.