Tag during an inter command patrol

A tag during an inter-command patrol!

For those who may not know, an inter-command patrol is a type of patrol where personnel from different commands or units come together to conduct a joint operation. It's a great way to build relationships, share knowledge, and learn from each other.

Now, about the tag...

In this scenario, a "tag" refers to a brief, informal meeting or gathering during the patrol. It's an opportunity for the personnel to take a short break, grab a snack or drink, and socialize with each other.

Here's an example of how the tag might go down:

[Scene: A group of personnel from different commands are on a joint patrol, walking through a busy city street. They've been moving for a few hours, and everyone is getting a bit hungry and thirsty.]

Person 1 (from Command A): "Hey, guys, let's take a quick break. I know a great spot just around the corner."

Person 2 (from Command B): "Sounds good to me! I could use a coffee."

Person 3 (from Command C): "Yeah, me too. And maybe some snacks?"

[The group stops at a nearby café and orders their drinks and snacks. They sit down at a table, chatting and laughing as they take a break from the patrol.]

Person 4 (from Command D): "So, how's everyone doing? Any interesting stories from the patrol so far?"

[The group shares some stories and jokes, and the tag becomes a fun and relaxed moment in the midst of a busy operation.]

Of course, the specifics of the tag will depend on the situation and the personalities involved. But overall, it's a great way to build camaraderie and morale during a joint operation.