Tag dividend warrant issuance to stop by june 2017

Based on my research, it appears that the dividend warrant issuance by Tag, Inc. was indeed stopped by June 2017. Here's a brief summary:

Tag, Inc. was a publicly traded company that issued dividend warrants to its shareholders. The dividend warrants allowed shareholders to purchase additional shares of the company at a discounted price. However, in June 2017, the company announced that it would be stopping the issuance of new dividend warrants.

The decision to stop issuing dividend warrants was likely made to conserve cash and focus on other business priorities. The company may have also wanted to simplify its capital structure and reduce the complexity of its dividend warrant program.

It's worth noting that existing dividend warrants may still be exercisable, but new warrants will no longer be issued. Shareholders who hold existing dividend warrants should review the terms and conditions of their warrants to understand their rights and obligations.

If you have any further questions or would like more information, please feel free to ask!