Tag chinese national anthem
The Chinese national anthem is:
"义勇军进行曲" (Yì Yǒng Jūn Jìnxíng Qǔ)
Translated to English, it means: "The March of the Volunteers"
Here are the lyrics:
(First stanza) 起来!不愿做奴隶 Everyone stand up! We refuse to be slaves 谁要我们做奴隶 Who would enslave us? 起来!不愿做奴隶 Everyone stand up! We refuse to be slaves 让世界知道我们的志愿 Let the world know our determination
(Second stanza) 起来!起来!起来! Everyone stand up! Everyone stand up! Everyone stand up! 让我们粉碎帝国主义 Let us crush imperialism 让我们粉碎封建主义 Let us crush feudalism 起来!起来!起来! Everyone stand up! Everyone stand up! Everyone stand up!
Note: The anthem is often sung with a slight modification of the second stanza, which is:
让我们粉碎帝国主义 Let us crush imperialism 让我们粉碎封建主义 Let us crush feudalism 让我们粉碎资本主义 Let us crush capitalism 起来!起来!起来! Everyone stand up! Everyone stand up! Everyone stand up!
This modified version is commonly used in official events and ceremonies.