Tag charly boy

Charly Boy!

Charles Oputa, popularly known as Charly Boy, is a Nigerian musician, activist, and entertainer. He is a pioneer of the Nigerian music industry and has been a prominent figure in the country's entertainment scene for over three decades.

Born on July 19, 1951, Charly Boy began his music career in the 1980s and gained popularity with his unique blend of Afrobeat and rock music. He has released several albums and has collaborated with other notable Nigerian musicians.

Charly Boy is also known for his activism and has been involved in various social and political causes throughout his career. He has been a vocal critic of the Nigerian government and has used his music and platform to speak out against corruption and social injustice.

Despite his controversies and criticisms, Charly Boy remains a beloved figure in Nigerian entertainment and a symbol of the country's rich cultural heritage.